Financial Sustainability

Kennedy & Company helps institutions of all types to better forecast their future financial scenarios and identify options for improving revenues and reducing expenses. Whether you are a private institution with rising tuition discounts and decreased net tuition revenues, or a public institution facing new pressures from changing state funding formulas or increased competition, Kennedy & Company has the right experience to guide your institution through its unique financial situation. Beyond this, we help institutions facing serious financial challenges find solutions to long-term sustainability that do not emphasize lay-offs and the rapid dissolution of existing programs. We believe that higher education institutions too often force major changes to their organization without considering the negative effects on enrollment and reputation; in addition, we believe that more thoughtful solutions to evolving programs and new interdisciplinary efforts have a better chance of success if they have faculty support.


For each of our clients, we develop a customized long-range financial model that accounts for changes in net tuition revenue and institutional expenses. For any of our forecasts and models, we identify how changes in demand and demographics, budget models, enrollment strategy and aid leveraging, and benefits offerings could affect institutional priorities and sustainability. In many cases, we work with institutions looking to simultaneously reduce expenses and improve enrollments and net tuition revenues.


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